

Ivo Michiels

Meeuwen sterven in de haven (1955)

An inexperienced triumvirate – film critic Roland Verhavert (1927-2014), film amateur Rik Kuypers (1925) and writer Ivo Michiels (1923-2012) surprised friend and foe of Flemish cinema in 1955 with their Seagulls Die In The Harbour. The Antwerp harbour is the background for a film about existential loneliness. After the heyday of the folk films of Jan Vanderheyden en Edith Kiel, Seagulls marks the birth of a mat
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Vrouw tussen hond en wolf (1979)

Set in the Second World War, André Delvaux’ Vrouw tussen hond en wolf (Woman in a Twilight Garden, 1979) evokes the tensions between cultural and political Flemish nationalism. In this scene we witness how on the verge of the Second World War, Flemish nationalism and militarism are embraced by the Flemish youth movement.
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